The One Skill You Can’t Succeed in Communications Without

People just don’t overachieve or even averagely achieve these days… and why? How many of you started in marketing and communications with actual passion and the determination to bring value? I’d say we all did. Communicators are probably the most passionate people on this planet. We don’t do things just because, we do them because …

Start Using Hashtags on Instagram!

I’m over it. I’m entirely over it. Too many brands are failing to follow this major key to instagram success. If you’re building an account, there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t be using hashtags in your captions! Save the excuses. There is simply too much research out there that shows how effective using …

The Power of Valuable Content

Everyone wants to be heard on the internet these days. From tweets to blog posts, we are all looking for a spot in this world to attract an audience and build a successful brand. We’ve seen accounts explode from meaningless content only to later learn that the likes and followers had been bought. For years, …

4 Steps to Collaborating with Brands for Marketing Success

It is true that it takes a village to raise a child, but it also takes a village to build a brand. You need your followers and brand warriors, but you can’t overlook the power of collaborating with brands who have a lot in common with you. So how do you take the steps to …

Why You Should Join a Twitter Chat

During my college days, my professor and advisor was very instrumental in my rise on social media. He insisted that I tweet throughout the day and engage with fellow marketers and communicators. I stumbled upon Madalyn Sklar’s twitter account one day. I felt like I had hit the jackpot! Her timeline was filled with tips …

How to Brand Yourself for Employment

If you haven’t downloaded my eBook guide, you should do so immediately if you are a college student preparing to dive into the job market soon. If you are a recent grad, the advice is still helpful as well. The tips and advice in the guide are things that I personally did to land the …

How to Deal With Brand Biters

One of my closest friends and I had a conversation the other day about brand biters. If you’re not familiar with the term “biter” it simply means a copycat. There are so many people that we know from college who are following other people’s paths instead of paving their own road. We see it a …

(Storytime) Why I Started This Blog

I started this WordPress during my junior year of college. I had done some research on online portfolios for communications majors and found this amazing portfolio from a recent LSU grad. Her page inspired me to house my own public relations, journalism, and marketing work on a website! During my senior year, I took my …

Don’t Fall Victim to Marketing Myopia

I was recently driving downtown in my city and noticed a white Corvette with a license plate that read “dream car”. It piqued my interest because, to me, a Corvette is a pretty generic sports car. It got me thinking about our dreams and plans. We often stick to what we think we can achieve …

How to Use #LinkedIn as a College Student

Most people find LinkedIn irrelevant to their lifestyles. Most professionals can get a pass when it comes to their decision to opt-out of using LinkedIn. As a college student, it is more imperative for you to find ways to promote yourself to potential employers, graduate admissions counselors, and other game changers. LinkedIn allows you to …